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* Savings between $0 to $320 derived from premium comparisons between Everyday Comprehensive car cover option and Drive Less Pay Less option. Calculations based on profiles of existing Everyday Car Insurance customers who advised they drive under 15,000 km annually. Current as at 06 March 2024. Actual savings are determined by your individual circumstances, including the kilometres selected, excess chosen and other risk factors. Minimum premiums may reduce savings. Kilometres can be increased during the policy period, an additional premium is payable. In event of accident and end odometer reading exceeded, additional excess applies.
Car Insurance for SA.
Whether you drive a Corolla in Coober Pedy or a Prius in Port Augusta, compare our range of car insurance for SA drivers. Get a quote today with Everyday Car Insurance.
Compare our Car Insurance policies.
Comprehensive Car Insurance.
A full range of cover for you and your car. We've got you covered.
Everyday Drive Less Pay Less.
Drive Less Pay Less is Comprehensive cover for the part-time driver.
Third Party Property, Fire and Theft.
Get the benefits of Third Party Insurance, but with a little extra.
Third Party Property Damage.
Protection for damage to another person's vehicle or property.
To understand the full details, conditions, and exclusions of each policy, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
Find the cover that's right for you.
Why pick Everyday Car Insurance?
Benefits are subject to the terms and conditions including the limits and exclusions of the insurance policy.
Important information.
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° This offer is only available for policyholders who have a registered Everyday Rewards Card linked to their eligible active Everyday Insurance policy. This offer is limited to one in-store Woolworths Supermarket transaction up to $500, with a maximum saving of $50 per Everyday Rewards Card, per month, regardless of the number of Woolworths services you use. For full T&Cs click here.
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Cover and benefits are subject to eligibility criteria and terms and conditions, including the limits and exclusions of the insurance policy. Any advice provided is general only and may not be right for you. Before you purchase this product you should carefully read the Car Insurance Product Disclosure Statement and consider the Target Market Determination to decide if it is right for you.