Dr Harry: Hygiene for your cat.

You often hear the question, ‘are you a dog person or are you a cat person?’. They have markedly different personalities; cats are more independent whereas dogs can be more dependent on their owners. When it comes to hygiene and maintenance, cats can also be easier to look after.

Toilet training your cat.

Toilet training your cat. To begin with, cats come already toilet trained. If you buy or adopt a kitten you can almost bet that its 'mum' taught it how to use a litter tray. It's important for you to find out what sort of litter was used, and stick with the same product to begin with. If you want to change your litter, do it over time by gradually incorporating your new litter in with the existing one, slowly increasing the swap over.

A litter tray with a lid is ideal. Cats, like us, like to use 'the toilet' in private, so keep the tray in an area like the laundry, away from high traffic areas. Preferably away from the cat's food also. 

It needs to be cleaned daily as cats are naturally clean animals. You need to exercise hygiene by wearing gloves when you do the cleaning, as young cats can shed toxoplasmosis which can be harmful to the human foetus if you are pregnant.

Grooming your cat.

Dog puppies running

Cats are very good at their own grooming. If you have ever been licked by a cat, you'll notice the upper surface of the tongue is covered with short, stiff, cartilage like bristles. This acts like a comb or brush to clean its entire body, with the aid of the two front paws. 

You might be thinking, what happens to all the ‘dead hair’ that your cat licks or combs off? It gets swallowed. It ends up in the stomach, and in time your cat will vomit it up in the form of a hairball. To avoid your cat vomiting in areas you don’t want, you can help the situation, by regularly brushing your cat’s fur (particularly those with a long coat). Most cats enjoy it and it can help cement the bond between you and your pet. 

There are also ‘hairball removers’ you can purchase. Most of which contain laxatives to help your cats pass the lump of hair through the bowel, rather than vomiting it up. There are even some diets which claim to help resolve this problem. 

It's most important to check the coat of any younger cats or kittens for hairless spots or patches. Often these are ringworm, which is contagious to the whole family and something your vet can easily diagnose and treat.

Do I need to wash my cat?

The short answer I believe is very seldom. Most cats do not like it and you risk getting badly scratched in the process. However there are some odd breeds that like water such as the Turkish Van. 

Because cats are such fastidious groomers you need to be very careful what you put on your cat's coat, because invariably it will get licked off and end up in the stomach. When it comes to flea and tick control I much prefer to use an oral medication, given on a regular basis.

Clipping your cat’s claws.

While clipping dog's nails can often be a real headache, cats maintain their own claws. You just need to provide the means to do the job. Most cats except the cheetah are able to 'sheath' their claws. In other words, keep their claws 'hidden' in the paw unless there is a need to grip onto something. 

Cats need to keep their claws sharp and they do so by scratching on something. Regrettably, sometimes that can be your favourite curtains, or lounge. What you need is a scratching post. They come in every colour and configuration one can imagine. They also need to be tall. Cats love heights. They feel secure if they can get to the highest point in a room and look down and survey what is below. They are handy too if you have a dog which often annoys the cat. It's an area where they can retreat to. 

Dog puppies running

Most of these are covered with carpet or twine with rope. They will have various shelves and perhaps a cocoon in which to sleep or a box at the base in which to hide. You can cut cats' nails quite easily. Most cats will allow you to gently press upwards on a pad under the paw, the corresponding nail will pop out and you can easily clip off the sharp hook at the end. It is something cat breeders have to do when they exhibit at a show.

Should cats stay indoors or outdoors?

Cats are natural hunters. They are very good at it and have all the weaponry to do it. Having bred cats for nearly 20 years I always insist that they are kept indoors. Recent figures show that between 6,000 to 11,000 native animals, birds and reptiles per square kilometre are killed by domestic cats each year. When we look at the overall feral population it is estimated that up to 4 billion birds and 20 billion mammals die annually from attacks by these cats. Please try to keep your cat indoors at all times.

Think about an outdoor enclosure for your pet that you can either DIY or purchase. I cannot recommend them enough. 

Provide plenty of toys for your furry friends, many of which can be left hanging. Cardboard boxes are really enjoyed as they are easily ripped to pieces and make good hiding places.


Cat diseases and infections.

Cats can develop ear infections. This usually occurs early on in life from a small mite that invades the canal, and results in copious quantities of thick black wax. It is highly contagious to other cats, but more frequently seen in kittens. 

I believe the biggest problems we face with keeping our cats healthy are respiratory diseases. When you purchase your kitten or adopt your cat, ensure that it is free from any signs of upper respiratory disease. Make sure the eyes and both nostrils are free of discharge. There should not be a hint of any sneezing or coughing and your pet should breathe freely and without any noise through both nostrils. If in any doubt, have your vet check things out. So many of these kittens with juvenile symptoms that look like a human cold, never fully recover. Vaccinations are available.

What to feed your cat.

What you feed your cat/kitten is important. Cats can get addicted to certain foods. Kangaroo is one of them, hence a variety is important. I also recommend a mixture of dry and wet food. The wet can be raw meat, and please make sure there is adequate fat on it. Beef, lamb, chicken and fish are also fine. Cans or pouches offer a great range of tastes. 

Just like dogs I have always fed raw bones to cats, and would start with the very tip of a chicken wing and work my way up as the kittens grow. So many cats develop dental problems, however I have found them to be a rarity if cats were fed bones at least twice a week. 

If your cat has never had one, you must introduce them slowly, and in small quantities to enable the cat's bowel to become accustomed to a new food. 

Food containers are vitally important. Forget plastic. It retains smells which cats don't like. Stainless steel, glass or preferably glazed ceramic is ideal, cleaned daily. 

Cats are fussy. Water is an interesting one. Most cats do not seem to drink enough water. The trick is to get a water fountain. Water that moves is far more attractive than a still bowl. And besides, it is more nature-like and the sound is pleasant.

Cats are generally long lived animals, but like us as they age more problems seem to emerge. Please consult your local vet if you have any concerns about your furry friend.

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Dr Harry Cooper (AR No.1000933) is an Authorised Representative of PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (AFSL 420183). Any advice provided by Dr Harry Cooper in relation to Everyday Pet Insurance is general only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs.