Compare Travel Insurance.

Whether you travel a little or a lot, compare our plans and their benefits below and get the quote that fits your holiday and travel needs.

All benefits are subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions.

International Travel Insurance.

Benefits & limitations
(Applicable benefits and limits are per adult)




Frequent Traveller
Cancellation or holiday deferment costs~from $5,000 with option to increase limitsfrom $2,500 with option to increase limits$2,500from $10,000 with option to increase
Emergency travel & accommodation expensesUnlimited$15,000$5,000Unlimited
Overseas medical expensesUnlimited for up to 12 monthsUnlimited for up to 12 monthsUnlimited for up to 12 monthsUnlimited for up to 12 months
Medical evacuationUnlimited$500,000$250,000Unlimited
Travel delay$2,000$1,000
Rental vehicle excess~from $5,000 with the option to increase limits$2,000 from $5,000 with the option to increase limits
Luggage and personal effects#$12,000$5,000$2,000$12,000
Accidental death$25,000$10,000 $25,000
Personal liability$2,5000,000$1,000,000$1,000,0000$2,5000,000
Coronavirus travel costs$10,000  $7,500
Snow sport cover optionAvailable option  Available option

Domestic Travel Insurance.

Benefits & limitations
(Applicable benefits and limits are per adult)

Comprehensive Domestic

Standard Domestic

Cancellation and Deposit
Cancellation or holiday deferment costs~from $3,000 with option to increase limitsfrom $1,200 with option to increase limitsfrom $500 with option to increase limits
Emergency travel & accommodation expenses$10,000$5,000$2,000
Medical evacuation$100,000$50,000 
Travel delay$1,000$500
Rental vehicle excess~from $5,000 with the option to increase limits$2,000 
Luggage and personal effects#$4,000$2,000 
Accidental death$25,000$10,000 
Personal liability$300,000  
Coronavirus travel costs$2,500  
Snow sport cover optionAvailable option  

Above is a summary table only. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement for full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions that apply.

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Important information.


This is a limit per policy; it is the most we’ll pay for all people on your Certificate of Insurance combined, per trip.


† For up to 12 months after the illness or injury first occurs.


# Sub-limits apply.