Information about Domestic Shorthair Cat.

      Domestic shorthair cats breed information.

      Breed: Domestic shorthair cats are not a recognised cat breed: the term refers to short-haired cats of mixed ancestry.

      Coat type: Coat types can vary. The fur can be short and sleek, sitting close to the body or can be denser and fluffier in appearance.

      Shedding: Shedding depends on coat type; however, expect more shedding during Spring and Autumn.

      Grooming: Minimal grooming is required. Weekly brushing is adequate to remove any excess fur.

      Activity level: Domestic shorthair cats are natural hunters; they tend to be more active at night when these instincts are activated.

      Apartment friendly: Yes

      Small children: Yes (supervision with children is always recommended).

      Other pet friendly: Yes

      Lifespan: Domestic shorthair cats can live up to 20 years old. On average, they live between 12 – 18 years.

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      What type of breed is a domestic shorthair cat?

      The domestic shorthair, also referred to as a moggy or housecat, is a mixed breed, medium-sized cat. One of the most popular cat types, the domestic shorthair cat, is hardy and adaptable. Their appearance ranges across the cat spectrum and comes in every possible colour and pattern. Mostly the domestic shorthair is seen in traditional Tabby shades of brown and black with splashes of white. Thanks to exceptional hunting abilities, domestic shorthair cats are considered working cats and have been used for centuries to keep rat and mouse populations at bay.

      Domestic shorthair cat personality, temperament and traits.

      This breed is generally playful, friendly and adaptable. That said, they have a wide range of personalities. Some are outgoing and rambunctious and are happy to play with anyone, while others may be shy, preferring the company of someone they are bonded to. Generally, the breed isn’t highly strung or anxious, and even those with more cautious temperaments often reveal they are as interactive as those with more outgoing natures. 

      Domestic shorthair cats instinctually wants to hunt. This trait will be apparent when they are young kittens and may continue into more mature years. While a helpful attribute if employed to keep mice and rats at bay, their hunting instinct can be problematic for native species. This is one great reason to keep all cats safely indoors or in a special cat enclosure. Another great reason is so that they avoid hazards like roads, ticks, snakes and fighting with other cats, which can expose them to infections like FIV.

      The perfect cat enclosure contains lots of toys, cat scratchers, windows to access fresh air and outside views, cat grass to enjoy, and room for zoomies.

      The dos and don’ts of caring for a domestic shorthair cat.

      Do: Include plenty of scratching posts for indoor-dwelling cats. All cats instinctively sharpen their nails, and without a post, they can use – and potentially destroy – soft furnishings or carpets.

      Don’t: Overfeed. Domestic shorthair cats are prone to overeating. Overweight cats are at higher risk of having health problems like Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, diabetes and mobility problems like arthritis.

      Do: Take them to the veterinarian for regular check-ups. Even though the Domestic Shorthair Cat may appear tougher than their pedigree counterparts, they still require regular check-ups and preventative care.



      Commonly claimed health conditions for a Domestic short-hair cat.

      Just like us, our pets can be affected by different illnesses, health conditions and unexpected accidental injuries. Here are some of the more commonly claimed conditions^ that a Domestic short-hair cat can experience.

      Symptoms can include.
      Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
      Gastrointestinal tract condition.

      Vomiting or diarrhoea.

      Change in appetite.


      Blood or mucus in the faeces.


      Weight loss.

      Abdominal pain.


      Urinary System Disorder.

      Changes to toileting behaviour, including increased visits to the litter box, straining, or vocalising when urinating, changes in volume of urine passed

      Increased licking of the groin area.

      Changes in colour of urine.

      Urinary incontinence.

      Swollen abdomen, collapse in the case of urinary obstruction.

      Vomiting, changes in appetite, weight loss.


      Traumatic accidents (including bite injuries, wounds and broken bones).

      Wounds, scratches, pus, bleeding, swelling, heat, pain.

      Limping, changes to movement.

      Behaviour changes.

      Broken claws.



      Skin conditions (including infections and allergies).

      Scratching, biting or rubbing the skin.

      Signs of irritation including red skin, scabs, bleeding, pustules, or weeping.

      Hair loss, flaky skin, texture changes, lumps or an unusual or unpleasant smell.



      Lameness or limping on affected limb(s).

      Stiffness on rising.

      Reluctance to jump, use stairs.

      Swelling on legs.


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      Important Information.


      ^ Pre-existing conditions and certain illnesses may be excluded. Policy terms, conditions, exclusions, limits, benefit limits, sub-limits, annual condition limits and excess may apply. For details, please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

      Symptoms listed are indicative only, others can apply.

      >> As at 31/12/2023 based on the previous 12 months of PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd claims data.


      Policy Terms and Conditions, exclusions and limits apply. Benefit limit amounts vary by level of cover.


      * Limits, waiting periods, exclusions and excesses may apply.


      Cover is available for the life of your pet provided you renew your policy each year without any break, lapse or change in the level of Cover. This means once your pet is insured with us and as long as we continue to offer the product, you will be able to renew your policy for that pet for life and your cover level will not be reduced as your pet ages provided you continuously maintain the cover. Cover is subject to the terms and conditions of your renewing policy. See details in your PDS.


      = The gap is defined as the difference between the vet's invoice and the claim benefit under your policy. Policy terms and conditions apply. GapOnly® is only available at participating Vets. Please visit GapOnly® to search for GapOnly® enabled vets. GapOnly® is a trademark owned by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (PetSure) (ABN 95 075 949 923, AFSL 420183).