As an Everyday Pet Insurance customer, get 10% off an in-store grocery shop, once a month.°

Our furry friends are family, and just like any family member, they can experience health issues. PetSure claims data provides valuable insights into the most common ailments affecting dogs, allowing pet parents to be more informed and proactive in their care.

Here are the top 10 most frequently claimed conditions for dogs^:

1. Skin conditions.

This broad category encompasses a wide range of dermatological issues. Allergies (food, environmental, flea), bacterial infections (pyoderma), fungal infections (ringworm, yeast), and various other skin irritations fall under this heading.


Symptoms can include:

Scratching, biting, or rubbing the skin.

Signs of irritation including red skin, scabs, bleeding, pustules, or weeping.

Hair loss, flaky skin, texture changes, lumps or an unusual or unpleasant smell.

German Shepherd.

Why it's common.

Dogs' skin is their largest organ and is constantly exposed to environmental allergens and potential pathogens. Certain breeds are also predisposed to allergies.

Potential skin conditions costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for skin conditions^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for diagnostic testing (allergy tests, skin scrapes), medications (antihistamines, antibiotics, antifungals), and potentially ongoing management.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential skin conditions costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Small. $8,766.
Medium. $6,984.
Large. $16,787.

Potential skin conditions costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Border Collie. $3,086.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. $4,435.
Cavoodle. $6,004.
French Bulldog. $8,766.
German Shepherd. $7,744.
Golden Retriever. $8,770.
Kelpie. $5,110.
Labrador. $6,752.
Maltese. $3,107.
Miniature Dachshund. $3,490.

2. Ear conditions.

Ear infections (otitis externa, media, interna) are the most frequent ear problem in dogs. Other issues include ear mites, foreign bodies lodged in the ear canal, and hematomas.


Symptoms can include:

Scratching, rubbing, or pawing at one or both ears.

Head shaking.

Odour or discharge coming from the ears.

Ears may be red or warm to the touch.


Why it's common.

Dogs' ear canals are L-shaped, which can trap moisture and debris, creating an ideal environment for infections. Floppy-eared breeds are particularly susceptible.

Potential ear conditions costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for ear conditions^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for veterinary visits, ear cleaning, medications (antibiotics, antifungals, anti-inflammatories), and potentially follow-up care.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential ear conditions costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Small. $8,165.
Medium. $11,127.
Large. $8,010.

Potential ear conditions costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Border Collie. $4,030.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. $6,082.
Cavoodle. $5,141.
French Bulldog. $7,384.
German Shepherd. $7,606.
Golden Retriever. $6,581.
Labrador. $7,835
Maltese. $6,324.
Miniature Dachshund. $4,732.

3. Gastrointestinal tract condition.

This category includes a variety of digestive problems, such as vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and pancreatitis. Causes can range from dietary indiscretions to infections or underlying medical conditions.


Symptoms can include:

Diarrhoea, vomiting or constipation.

Blood or mucus in stool/vomit.

Increased frequency/urgency passing stool.

Weight loss.

Loss of appetite and interest in food.

May seem more tired than usual.


Why it's common.

Dogs are prone to dietary indiscretions (eating garbage, table scraps). Stress and infections can also disrupt their digestive systems.

Potential gastrointestinal tract condition costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for gastrointestinal tract conditon^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for diagnostic tests (fecal exams, blood work, X-rays), medications (antiemetics, antidiarrheals), and potentially hospitalisation for severe cases.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential gastrointestinal tract condition costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Small. $12,581.
Medium. $11,898.
Large. $12,652.

Potential gastrointestinal tract condition costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Border Collie. $8,549.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. $7,382.
Cavoodle. $12,017.
French Bulldog. $12,581.
German Shepherd. $7,882.
Golden Retriever. $9,863.
Kelpie. $5,736.
Labrador. $12,652.
Maltese. $6,288.
Miniature Dachshund. $9,299.

4. Traumatic accidents.

Injuries resulting from traumatic accidents, including puncture and laceration bite injuries, open and closed wounds and fractures of bones.


Symptoms can include:

Wounds, scratches, pus, bleeding, swelling, heat, pain.

Limping, changes to movement.

Behaviour changes.

Broken claws.


border collie

Why it's common.

It's usually common in active dogs, which are at a higher risk of accidents.

Potential traumatic accident costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for traumatic accidents^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential traumatic accident costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Medium. $15,834.
Large. $21,162.

Potential traumatic accident costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Border Collie. $15,579.
German Shepherd. $9,968.
Kelpie. $9,958.

5. Ingestion of a foreign body or toxin.

Dogs, especially puppies, are prone to ingesting non-food items, such as toys, socks, rocks, or toxic substances like chocolate or rodenticides.


Symptoms can include:

Vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite.

Abdominal pain, frequent stretching, vocalising or sensitive to touch.




Why it's common.

Dogs explore the world with their mouths, and some items are simply too tempting to resist.

Potential ingestion of a foreign body or toxin costs by breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for ingestion of a foreign body or toxin^ in some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for emergency veterinary care, which may include inducing vomiting, administering activated charcoal, performing endoscopy or surgery to remove the foreign object, and providing supportive care.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Golden Retriever. $12,002.
Miniature Dachshund. $10,229.

6. Muscle/skeletal conditions.

Joint problems, ligament tears, arthritis Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) and other musculoskeletal issues are relatively common, particularly in older dogs, active dogs and certain breeds are predisposed to joint problems.

Arthritis symptoms.

Symptoms can include:

Lameness or limping on affected limb(s).

Stiffness on rising.

Reluctance to jump, use stairs.

Swelling on legs.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) symtoms

Symptoms can include:

Localised pain to the back or neck.

Unwillingness to move.

Hind limb weakness.

Difficulty jumping.

Urinary incontinence.

Potential musculoskeletal issues costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for musculoskeletal issues^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for surgery, medication and/or physical therapy.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential arthritis costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Medium. $7,959.
Large. $10,168.

Potential musculoskeletal costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Arthritis - Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Border Collie. $7,657.
German Shepherd. $6,269.
Golden Retriever. $7,959.
Kelpie. $5,122.
Labrador. $10,168.
Maltese. $3,224.
Dog breed.
IVDD - Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Miniature Dachshund. $16,655.

7. Eye conditions.

This category includes eye infections (conjunctivitis), corneal ulcers, cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye-related problems.


Symptoms can include:

Squinting, redness, and ocular discharge.

Rubbing or pawing at the eyes/face.

Colour changes to the eye or surrounding tissues.

French bulldog

Why it's common.

Dogs' eyes are vulnerable to injury and infection. Certain breeds are also predisposed to specific eye conditions.

Potential eye problems costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for eye problems^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for veterinary visits, diagnostic tests (eye exams), and medications (eye drops, ointments).

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential eye problems costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Small. $8,794.

Potential eye problems costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
French Bulldog. $12,581.

8. Anal sac disorder.

Anal sacs are small glands located on either side of the anus that secrete a foul-smelling fluid. Problems occur when the sacs become impacted or infected.


Symptoms can include:

Sliding or “scooting” the bottom on the floor to relieve itchiness.

Frequent biting of the base of the tail.

An unpleasant, musky odour.

Blood, pus, or other discharge draining from around the bottom.

Straining when going to the toilet.


Why it's common.

Some dogs have difficulty expressing their anal sacs naturally.

Potential anal sac disorder costs by breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for anal sac disorder^ in some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for veterinary visits for manual expression or treatment of infections.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. $5,509.
Cavoodle. $6,928.

9. Heart conditions.

This category encompasses a range of cardiac issues, including heart valve disease (especially mitral valve disease), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), congenital heart defects, and arrhythmias.


Symptoms can include:

Increased tiredness, reluctance to exercise or slowing down on walks.

Panting excessively when at rest.

Gagging and/or coughing.

Swollen abdomen or limbs.

Weight loss.

Loss of appetite.


Why it's common.

Certain breeds are predisposed to specific heart conditions (e.g., small breeds to mitral valve disease, large breeds to DCM). Age and genetics also play significant roles.

Potential heart conditions costs by size and breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for heart conditions^ based on breed size and some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for diagnostic tests (echocardiograms, electrocardiograms, chest X-rays), treatment which may involve lifelong medications (diuretics, ACE inhibitors), and in some cases, surgery.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Potential heart conditions costs based on dog breed size.

Dog breed size.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Small. $30,369.

Potential heart conditions costs based on dog breed.

Dog breed.
Heart conditions - Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Cavoodle $5,713.
Maltese. $8,268.
Dog breed.
Heart failure (commonly mitral valve disease) - Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. $10,824.

10. Tumours.

This category includes various types of cancerous and benign tumors, such as mast cell tumors, lymphoma, osteosarcoma, and mammary gland tumors. Tumors can develop in any part of the body and present with diverse symptoms.


Symptoms can include:

Lumps and bumps on or underneath skin.

Abdominal swelling.

Sudden weight loss.

Change in appetite.

Lethargy or depression. .

Changes in bathroom habits.

Evidence of pain.

Adorable Labrador sitting on green grass, outdoors

Why it's common.

Cancer is usually a leading cause of death in older dogs. Genetics, environmental factors, and age contribute to tumour development.

Potential tumour costs by breed.

These are the highest recorded treatment costs>> for tumours^ in some popular dog breeds. This may reflect the need for diagnostic procedures (biopsies, imaging) to determine the type and stage of cancer. Treatment options usually include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and palliative care.

Note that the tables are based on PetSure claims data, 2023 calendar year. Reimbursement for these claims under a Pet Insurance policy, would be subject to limits, such as annual benefit limits or sub-limits, benefit percentage, applicable waiting periods and any applicable excess. Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording available from the relevant provider. Please note that values calculated are based on all claims for that condition and medically related conditions in each calendar year.

Dog breed.
Highest cost for a single treatment.>>
Kelpie. $12,381.
Labrador. $13,366.

By understanding the details of these common conditions, dog owners can be more prepared to address potential health issues and provide the best possible care for their furry companions.

Above is a summary only. By carefully reviewing and comparing Everyday Pet Insurance coverage options, you can choose the one that best suits your pet's health needs and your budget. Please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for full terms, conditions, limits and exclusions that apply.

How much could Standard Cover cost for my Pet?
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*Actual premiums may vary based on your Pet’s details. You can reduce premiums by choosing a lower annual benefit limit, higher excess, and/or lower benefit percentage, in return for higher out-of-pocket costs when claiming. Choosing a higher annual benefit limit, lower excess, and/or higher benefit percentage means higher premiums but less out-of-pocket expenses when claiming.

How Everyday Pet Insurance can help.

Unexpected vet bills can be stressful. Pet Insurance can help cover the costs of diagnosis, treatment, and medication for various health conditions, including those specific to your dog.

Here are some benefits you can enjoy with your Everyday Pet Insurance policy:

VetAssist 24/7 online vet chat.

VetAssist connects you to licensed Australian vets via video or chat online. All Everyday Pet Insurance customers get free† access to vet advice through VetAssist, available online 24/7. Access VetAssist via My Insurance Portal


Claim on the spot with GapOnly®.

GapOnly® reviews and calculates your pet insurance claim while you’re still at the vet. You can claim on the spot and only pay the 'gap', the difference between the vet's bill and your eligible insurance benefit.=


Get 30% off pet prescription medication**

PetScripts is a leading online Pet Pharmacy for your pet's medication. They're proudly Australian owned and operated by veterinarians, with registered Australian Pharmacists. Offer is valid until 30 June 2025. T&Cs apply. **


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Protect your loyal companion and get 10% off an in-store Woolworths shop every month°

** Offer is valid until 30 June 2025 (Offer Period). This entitles you to a 30% discount off your prescription medication purchase from PetScripts Pty Ltd ABN 73 610 444 427 (PetScripts) whilst your policy remains in force during the Offer Period and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. This offer only applies to medication prescribed to the pet insured under Everyday Pet Insurance Policies. Services provided by PetScripts are separate to your pet insurance policy. The 30% discount offer is subject to PetScripts' general Terms and Conditions, including the Privacy Policy which are available online at Everyday Pet Insurance may withdraw or extend this offer at any time without notice.


^ Pre-existing conditions and certain illnesses may be excluded. Policy terms, conditions, exclusions, limits, benefit limits, sub-limits, annual condition limits and excess may apply. For details, please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

Symptoms listed are indicative only, others can apply.

>> As at 31/12/2023 based on the previous 12 months of PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd claims data.


° This offer is only available for policyholders who have a registered Everyday Rewards Card linked to their eligible active Everyday Insurance policy. This offer is limited to one in-store Woolworths Supermarket transaction up to $500, with a maximum saving of $50 per Everyday Rewards Card, per month, regardless of the number of Woolworths services you use. For full T&Cs click here.


† Offer available to new Everyday Pet Insurance policyholders, and is limited to 1 membership per eligible policy. The free membership offer (valued at $199p.a) is from the date of your policy commencement, provided your Everyday Pet Insurance policy remains active. You are not eligible to redeem the free membership subscription for cash or credit. VetAssist is a separate subscription based service to the Everyday Pet Insurance product, and is provided independently by Everyday Insurance third party service provider, VetChat Services Pty Ltd (VetChat). Click here for full VetAssist Service terms and conditions. Everyday Insurance reserves the right to vary or remove this offer at any time and will provide reasonable notice of any such changes.


= The gap is defined as the difference between the vet's invoice and the claim benefit under your policy. Policy terms and conditions apply. GapOnly® is only available at participating Vets. Please visit GapOnly® to search for GapOnly® enabled vets. GapOnly® is a trademark owned by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (PetSure) (ABN 95 075 949 923, AFSL 420183).